For the first 23 years of practice I would have never questioned if viruses are real. While in college I heard of alternate theories, such as Terrain Theory, which proposes HIV is not the cause of AID's but rather AID's is caused by environmental/food toxicity and drug use. Terrain Theory contends that the body can deal with outside microbial invaders if the Terrain (the body) is strong. Only when the body is weakened by poor nutrition, toxins, environmental pollution (chemical and electromagnetic) do we get sick. Terrain Theory disputes the existence of viruses based on inability to meet the standards of the Germ Theory Model. The golden standard of the Germ Theory model referred to as Koch's Postulates does not apply to viruses according to conventional science. As you will soon learn conventional science adds irreducible complexity to keep flawed theories going.
The Terrain Theory arguments were interesting but I never put much mental energy into delving into the topic deeply. After the most recent pandemic, which I refer to as "the thing we all went through in 2020", I started to rethink the possibility that the diseases we attribute to viral infectious agents may have an alternate mechanism. A large crack in trust/credibility was opened during the pandemic. Inconsistencies in scientific method from the health authorities response to this new illness caused many trained health professionals to question what the public was being told. Why were they counting deaths from people in car accidents/murders? Why were they using PCR tests for diagnosis. PCR tests only tell you the length/weight of DNA/RNA strands, this not useful in detecting genetic material of viral origin at all. The test could be showing DNA/RNA from dead host cells or a foreign source of DNA/RNA, it cannot distinguish origin just size of fragments.
The illness that was spreading across the globe did not make a lot of sense to a Physician with a keen sense of discernment. The symptoms did not add up for how a virus was supposed to behave and the reactions of the CDC/WHO made no sense. Nothing was making sense and when the authorities are not making sense it is called deception.
First a virus is very specific to a host and the type of cells in which it infects. This virus was supposedly infecting pets as carriers, which again to anyone trained in the medical profession this makes no sense. A virus is host specific and cannot reproduce or hang out waiting around in a random host.
In the same fashion a virus is selective to which cells within a host it will infect. This particular virus infects cells that have an ACE 2 (Angiotensin-converting enzyme) receptor on it. These receptors are primarily found in the lungs and kidney but are also located in the testis, lining of blood vessels, lining of heart, and lining of the gut. So according to viral theory of disease the virus would infect these cells, reproduce and eventually destroy them as a result. First off this is strange because the type of virus that was attributed to the new disease usually infected the lining of the gut and respiratory tracts resulting in symptoms attributed the common cold or a stomach bug. This new version took on a whole new level of destructive power during its time supposedly within the bat population. The symptoms of this type of virus would historically only resemble a common cold due to its interactions with the lining of the airways and GI tract. The symptoms of this new virus should primarily relate to the lining of the blood vessels, heart, and kidneys. The ACE 2 receptor deals with regulation of blood pressure so the lining of the heart/blood vessels and the kidneys should be the areas primarily effected.
According to the CDC the new symptoms of this infection are:
- Fever or chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
So basically the symptoms are the same as Influenza (which binds to sialic acid receptors of the upper and lower respiratory tract). This does not fit with the nature of an ACE 2 virus, this virus should lead to inflammation of the cardiovascular and renal systems which is not even part of the symptoms list. Only in advanced disease, in a small percentage of infections does the cardiovascular or renal system get effected. The primary symptoms of this virus resemble the influenza virus with a lot more punch.
Actually the symptoms are shared among all viral infections, the only difference being organs effected. For example:
Chicken Pox: Per the CDC
- fever
- tiredness
- loss of appetite
- swollen lymph nodes
- headache
Shingles: Per the CDC
- headache
- skin rash
- chills
- upset stomach
- swollen lymph nodes
Mumps: Per the CDC
- fever
- headache
- muscle aches
- tiredness
- swollen lymph nodes
- loss of appetite
Mononucleosis: Per the CDC
- fatigue
- fever
- Headache
- skin rash
- swollen lymph nodes
Hepatitis: Per the CDC
- fatigue
- low grade fever
- itching
- loss of appetite
- nausea and vomiting
- Skin rash
Each disease has varying types of rashes associated with them, the only difference is the organ system involved with it. The main complaints are the same, which is grouped together and referred to as malaise. When you are sick with a virus you feel malaise. None of the symptoms of malaise are directly related to the virus entering the target organ it shares receptor affinity with. For example when you are sick with the Flu the worst symptoms are the body aches, fatigue, headache, and fever. None of these relate to an infection of the epithelial cells of your respiratory tract. The proponents of the viral theory of illness attribute malaise to the immune system doing its job. How? What part of the antibody response or white blood cell function makes the muscles hurt. What is the mechanism of fever? Why did this new disease cause muscle injury in the heart? Why do people lose sense of taste and smell? The symptoms do not relate to the theory of the agent of the disease in all viral illnesses. The entire thing appears to be a case of adding irreducible complexity to an illness to explain the main symptoms of the illness while at the same time avoiding the fact that the main symptoms of the disease should be cellular damage as a result of the pathogen. In the case of the viral models the main target tissues of the infection are not involved until late stage. The late stage of the illness is the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, nervous, and biliary (liver) systems. Is it possible that the mechanism is not tissue specific but instead systemic. Malaise is a systemic process involving energy production at the cellular level of multiple types of cells, the highest energy utilizing cells are effected first. The nervous system, musculoskeletal, cardiac, and gastrointestinal systems in respected order are effected first.
The most unique and important part about "the thing we all went through in 2020" was the widespread nature of the illness. This part is the most revealing factor leading to the cause of this new disease. It is not possible that a contagious illness could spread this fast. From December 1st (first case in Wuhan, China) to March 11th the new thing became a pandemic. So in three and a half months this new contagion spread across the entire planet. That is a very fast spread for a disease that needs to incorporate into a host cell before it can reproduce itself. Viruses trick a cell into incorporating it into its own DNA and then trick the cell to keep making more of itself. After this a virus would also need to get the cell to make its packaging cover (capsid) with all of the necessary receptors needed to attach to another cell receptor. All of this would take a lot of time, not to mention it would also have to leave the host and get lucky enough for another host in very close contact to come along. I am no mathematician but I have a keen sense of judgment and this does not seem possible.
If we look at this situation through the lens of Terrain Theory we would need to find a systemic illness of energy production at the cellular level which effected a large group of people in the a short timeframe. We can rule out nutritional deficiencies and chemical toxins in the food supply pretty easily. Environmental pollution would be a candidate to evaluate but a chemical pollutant would have been obvious and detected. The less obvious unseen environmental pollutant would be a new form of electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy would fit the illness of the disease because radiofrequencies have been proven to alter mitochondrial function. Radiofrequency illness, although well documented in multiple studies, is poorly understood/recognized by conventional science. Radiofrequency illness is a disease which effects everyone differently. Some people are highly sensitive to electromagnetic pollution while others are minimally effected. When a sensitive individual is exposed to a new frequency of man made electromagnetic energy it alters their mitochondrial function. Symptoms of acute radiofrequency illness are fatigue, muscle aches/pain, headache, heart palpitations, GI upset, rash, and fever. The introduction of a new frequency would effect the sensitive people first and over time more would fall ill. The timeframe of spread would be rapid but overtime people would adapt to the new frequency. This has not been the case with "the thing we all went through in 2020", at first this did occur as expected but it has not gone away. People continue to get sick with the same disease process over and over.
I did some research looking for a new frequency that was different than anything the world has been exposed to with it starting in late 2019. It was obvious to me, so obvious that I had to do a search to see if anyone else considered this. I searched [did the Starlink Satellite network cause COVID]... The only thing I found made me even more suspicious. Tons of Fact Check disinformation. They stated the system has been up since February of 2018, which is true except it was just a couple of prototypes the first active satellites appeared in October of 2019. They also talked about the same old bait and switch that radiofrequencies are not ionizing radiation and do not disturb DNA resulting in cancer. Again true, but multiple studies have shown it effects mitochondrial function and the ability for blood to carry oxygen. Two things that are correlated with the type of illness that caused the pandemic. I tracked the launches and graphed them looking for patterns of illness.

It followed a correlation both with the start of the pandemic followed by more satellites launched coincided with increases in illness.

As I continued to track I kept finding more correlation, especially the emergence of delta variant after the month with the most launched to date.

The fall of 2022 is when I was doing the research on this topic, during the summer of 2022 I was paying close attention and expected the resurgence in cases we saw which they called omicron BA.5. At this point very few people were testing but in my clinic I saw more sick people than I had the entire pandemic. That summer it was getting obvious to me this was a theory worth following.

By late 2023 it had become so obvious to me that radiofrequencies were making people ill. What we have all along called the common cold, the flu, or "the thing we all went through in 2020" could very well be linked to electromagnetic pollution.
In late 2023 I published my first book on my findings, The Conscious Canary. In this book I detail what I had been working on my entire career. What Eastern Medicine describes as Chi flow does exist, Chi is electromagnetic energy. This energy flows with the nervous system, with every nerve level of the spine functioning at a certain combination of frequencies. Electromagnetic pollution is not just effecting mitochondrial function, this pollution can effect any system in the body depending on which nerve level is effected. Mumps the Facial cranial nerve VII, Hepatitis middle thoracic nerves, Shingles any sensory nerve, etc... The rashes associated with viral illness are disruption of function of the epidermal layer of the skin.