Posts Categorized:Neck Pain

Causes of Poor Posture Poor posture is so common I see some degree in every patient who walks through my door. Upon completion of care I routinely teach the the 8 stretches to correct poor posture. The upright posture of human beings is a delicate balance of many muscles resisting gravity.  When we develop bad habits…

Scalene Anatomy. Scalenes are a group of three muscles originating from the sides of the neck vertebra running down and forward attaching to the first and second ribs.  Front and middle scalene attach to the first rib and the back scalene attaches to the second rib.  The function of these muscles is to help elevate…

Working on a computer causing neck pain at work? Many people who have office jobs seek Chiropractic and massage therapy to relieve their neck pain at work.  Prolonged sitting while working on a computer causes many people to develop poor posture.  When we use a keyboard and stare at a computer screen we tend lean…

What is thoracic outlet syndrome? Thoracic outlet syndrome is a nerve compression that is very common in the shoulder. two of the three main nerves traveling down the arm go under a muscle called the pectoralis minor in the shoulder. It is very common in people with rounded or rolled forward shoulders to have tightness…

Helping People Feel Better Naturally with Chiropractic in Brentwood
Location 7127 Crossroads Blvd. Suite 102 Brentwood, TN 37027