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Radiofrequency Illness is a highly misunderstood complex condition conventional medicine rarely recognizes as a cause of common illnesses. This leads to symptom-based care, leading to mismanagement resulting in chronic health conditions. Many people are treated with psychotropic medications for physical ailments of unknown cause, not to say psychosomatic conditions do not exist but many patients are suffering from an illness misdiagnosed. The World Health Organization recognizes the existence of radiofrequency illness as very rare affecting a small percentage of the population. Recognition of exposure by the World Health Organization is workplace exposure and does not evaluate ambient exposures of daily life. Most studies relating to the safety of radiofrequency exposure are on carcinogenicity factors. Carcinogenic effects on tissues in the short term are not the mechanism of illness from radiofrequency exposure. Radiofrequency is non-ionizing radiation that does not cause direct damage to the DNA. Ionizing radiation such as X-ray and Gamma rays will directly affect the DNA upon exposure. The carcinogenicity of non-ionizing radiation would take many years through indirect mechanisms. Many studies in the early 1900s (the onset of man-made exposure to low-frequency electrical EMFs starting in 1859) clearly showed negative health effects related to exposure to telephones and electrical/telegraph wires. Progress rapidly outpaced safety evaluation. The growth of this new miracle electricity was unstoppable. Electricity was powering industry allowing telephone communication not to mention making corporations rich all over the world. The scientific community did all that it could, buried its head in the sand, and moved on following the funding of big business in petrochemical and pharmaceutical development. European and Russian researchers still moved forward and produced great data on the health effects of radiofrequency exposure. Senate hearings as early as 1977 on oversight of Radiation Health and Safety experts in the field appealed to the committee that exposure levels below currently accepted levels still caused detrimental health effects. They found in human studies negative effects on participants including changes in brain wave activity and mood alteration.

Radiofrequency mass population exposure first began just before World War I. The research was being performed on a new wireless form of long-distance communication by using large towers to emit controlled radio frequencies for communication. The obvious military use during the war greatly expanded its development and deployment globally very rapidly again without proper studies on the health effects. This rollercoaster has continued going faster and faster. Currently, we are exposed to a vast amount of radiofrequency energy at varying intensities and frequencies and we still have the mainstream scientific community with their heads in the sand and hands tied by the government. This trillion-dollar industry has controlled regulations at the federal level since its introduction. In 1996 Bill Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act which has many parts but Section 704 is amazing.

Section 704 of the TCA states that the citing of towers cannot be regulated “based on the environmental effects of radio frequency emission…” so long as FCC limits are met. Case law in some (but not all) US Circuit Courts then interpreted this section to mean “health concerns” cannot be used in the citing of a cell tower.

So if the residents of a city appeal to their local government and want to ban telecommunication expansion that city can be sued if they deny a cell tower permit on the grounds of environmental effects.

Health Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure

Health effects that have been and are being discovered are subtle functional changes at the cellular physiology level. Symptoms are best described as slow progressing and begin to overlap each other due to the mechanisms involved. Symptoms also vary from person to person because at the root as you will soon learn basic physiology of life is being altered. Each person has unique genetic and lifestyle predispositions which dictate a level of tolerance. Some people are exposed to a new radiofrequency and are not affected at all while others have immediate issues. These phenomena were noticed early on when initial low-level radiofrequency exposures occurred in telegraph workers. Some people felt ill but others were fine. This is probably why health concerns initially were not an issue because not everyone reacted so it was hard to correlate the one cause. As technology progressed to our current daily exposures many more people are living with negative health effects. As exposure rates increase people who had tolerance will eventually be overcome with health issues.

Common Symptoms of Radiofrequency Illness

  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Fatigue/Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Tinnitus/Vertigo
  • Mental Fog/Memory Issues
  • Confusion
  • Muscle/Joint Pain
  • Tingling
  • Heart Racing/Palpitations
  • Chest Pain
  • Nausea
  • Constipation/Bloating/Diarrhea
  • Flu-Like Symptoms
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Itchy Skin
  • Allergies/Asthma

Many more long-term symptoms have been suggested in research and case studies but the above are the universally accepted effects of radiofrequency exposure.

As stated earlier these symptoms are usually attributed to psychosomatic origins or defects in immunity such as autoimmune disorders. The Medical profession will treat these symptoms with drugs and the Alternative health profession will modify lifestyle. Environmental Medicine is taking the lead on the treatment of these symptoms by evaluating many environmental factors including toxic food exposures, water pollution, and the effects of radiofrequency exposure.

Mechanisms of Radiofrequency Illness

The mechanisms of radiofrequency illness are well understood in many bits and pieces through research. Many physiologic pathways have been evaluated while different radio frequencies are introduced. Two mechanisms have been identified in many studies which we will discuss in detail. The first focuses on the effects observed on the mitochondria of the cell. The mitochondria are the organ of the cell that deals with the conversion of food to usable energy in the form of ATP. ATP is vital for cellular function, without it cells cannot perform work. The second mechanism is water fluid dynamics at the cellular level.

Fluid Dynamics at the Cellular Level

All processes within the body are mediated by water. Water is the solvent that substances floating around in our body are carried in. Water is responsible for moving substances back and forth to the cells and within our cells water is the mediator-carrying substances. The way that water accomplishes this simple task is amazing. Advances in chemistry and biology outpaced the educational institutes training our physicians. During my education, I learned about the basic three phases of water solid, liquid, and gas. Inside our cells, we have liquid water that slushes around moving things around by mechanisms of electric and chemical gradients. Substances enter and leave our cells all by pumps and channels which maintain these gradients. Research in quantum biology is shedding much more light on how water does amazing things never before incorporated into current educational models.

It has been discovered that water has a 4th phase which would best be described as somewhere in between liquid and solid. Fluids in the body are not liquid at all but a combination of gelatinous fluid with structured water bound to proteins and fats. This gelatinous substance is formed by the structuring of water into honeycomb lattices that stack up beginning on the surface of proteins and fats. The interconnecting of proteins is what holds water in the gelatinous state kind of like Jello within our cells. Extracellular fluids such as blood, lymphatic's, and cerebral spinal have less of this protein lattice and exhibit a more fluid character. The inside of the cell has a lattice of proteins called the cytoskeleton which acts as a superhighway of substance movement. Depending on how positively charged a protein is governs the shape of the protein and how much water will structure around it. When transitions occur to the charge of proteins the shape of the protein will change and water will de-structure simultaneously. This mechanism allows work to be performed in many ways by different types of protein structures. For example, a de-structuring wave can occur along a protein which allows a particular substance to be moved to another area of the cell. The options are endless for how changes of charge along proteins can create waves of movement within the gelatinous environment of a cell. The same changes allow the contraction of proteins to perform the work of the skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and smooth muscle of the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels. Regulation of substances coming into and out of the cell has also been observed by these mechanisms.

Protein charge changes are controlled by ATP. When ATP is bound, the protein has a highly negative charge, I would call this the resting state. When the ATP is broken down into ADP and detaches from the protein it decreases the negative charge in a wave along the protein and this progresses continually along the protein.

The amazing discovery research in the area of water structuring found was light was the driving force that caused water to structure. Early observations of water structuring had scientists baffled. They knew it occurred but could not explain the chemistry behind it. Everything in chemistry revolves around the charge of particles and how they interact to bind. Electron binding of molecules occurs because certain elements have an affinity for other elements based on the structure of their respective electron configuration. The structured water scenario did not work out on paper because the charges of the structures did not make sense. The structured water had to cleave a positively charged proton from the water molecule and push it outside the structuring zone. This would require energy and pure water does not have the energy necessary to perform this reaction. By accident, they discovered that infrared light (a natural radiofrequency from the sun) was the driving force behind the structuring of water. Cellular physiology is dependent on infrared light which is another frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum higher in frequency than man-made radio frequencies. It does not take much of a leap to conclude that life of all forms on the planet is dependent on what the sun gives as a form of vibrational energy via electromagnetic frequencies. It could also be assumed that unnatural electromagnetic frequencies may harm the structuring of water. Only on rare solar events are we exposed to radio frequencies in the ranges commonly used by man-made pollution. It has been proposed in the 1700s that many illnesses including influenza are caused by solar activity altering our physiology (another blog topic coming soon). Studies have proven that exposure to electromagnetic frequencies within the radiofrequency range alters the ability of water to structure especially around biological proteins. Multiple studies on mitochondria and central nervous structure propose water protein alterations occur during radiofrequency exposure.

Cellular Energy Production

Our bodies use carbohydrates, fats, and protein in that order as fuel to survive. We digest these molecules into the basic units which can be delivered to our cells to convert the stored energy into ATP. Once these basic units of food reach our cells they are moved into the mitochondria an organelle in every cell of the body. Depending on the energy demand of the cell mitochondria can number between 100,000 to 600,000 in total. These mini powerhouses break the chemical bonds of sugars, fats, and proteins releasing the energy needed to produce ATP. ATP as you learned above is a high-energy particle carrying a very strong negative charge. The cell can use this stored energy to perform all the necessary functions that the cell is specialized to perform. The process of energy conversion requires oxygen and fuel and when complete the cell produces ATP and unstable byproducts. The cell has to get rid of dangerous end products such as carbon dioxide and reactive oxygen species. The carbon dioxide is absorbed by the hemoglobin in red blood cells and carried to the lungs. Reactive oxygen species are highly dangerous to the cellular environment and specific enzymes within the cell break them down. If reactive oxygen species build up in a cell, the cell will self-destruct to protect the nearby cells. This intracellular process is a well orchestrate cascade involving multiple enzymes and vitamin cofactors. Many diseases are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction in certain tissues such as the brain in the case of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Aging is also attributed to mitochondrial dysfunction resulting in reactive oxygen species accumulation.

The last step in the process of ATP production is called Oxidative Phosphorylation. During this phase, 3 enzymes separate charges to build energy to drive the last 4th enzyme to produce ATP. All of the steps before this phase which are numerous are only producing high-energy molecules that these 4 enzymes use to separate the charge needed. The third enzyme called Cytochrome C is very unique in its role. It is the rate-limiting step in the process, which means if it performs its step nothing stops the final step from occurring. This enzyme, therefore, dictates the rate of ATP production. The cell is constantly making ATP at changing rates and Cytochrome C controls the rate. Cytochrome C also has the important job of monitoring the build-up of reactive oxygen species. If reactive oxygen species build up to dangerous levels Cytochrome C starts the process of cell destruction. This enzyme is tasked with life-giving and life-ending decisions.

Cytochrome C is a very important protein in the body. It is in a class of life-sustaining proteins called Hemes. Hemes are iron-containing molecules produced from a porphine precursor. Poryphins are light absorbing or should I say they absorb specific frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. When they absorb the proper wavelength of light it excites the molecule to its high energy level and therefore function. Nature has many types of porphine structures Hemes (Cytochromes, Hemoglobin, Myoglobin, Catalases, and Peroxidases) and Chlorophyll (light-absorbing energy producer of plants). Heme's absorb frequencies in the red spectrum and Chlorophyll absorbs in the red and blue light spectrum.

Research on radiofrequency health effects consistently finds issues relating to the dysfunction of Cytochrome C and the other proteins in the Heme group. Reactive oxygen species are consistently found to be elevated in experiments of radiofrequency exposure. It makes sense that exposure to an unnatural frequency of energy would affect radiofrequency-dependent structures. The result is dysfunction of highly metabolic cells of the body. Again looking back at the symptoms they mostly correlate with the nervous system and muscular systems. These systems are the highest energy-consuming cells within the body.

Radiofrequency Illness Therapy

Mitigation of sources is a good idea when it can be controlled. Avoid electrical devices near you while sleeping. Use wired computer networks that do not depend on Wi-Fi. Set your home Wi-Fi to turn off overnight or just unplug it when you go to bed. Keep your phone away from you as much as possible and switch it to airplane mode when not in use. Use wired ear buds instead of Bluetooth.

Mitigation alone can control some but not all sources. Cell phones and radio towers are everywhere not to mention the thousands of communication satellites beaming down on us all day. Red and near-infrared light therapy has been studied and found to have promising results for balancing mitochondrial activity. It makes sense that it would help with fluid dynamics and cellular energy production affected by exposures to man-made frequencies. In this office, we have been using principles of energy desensitization with red light. During a session, we would expose the patient to low levels of various man-made electromagnetic frequencies while using a cold laser at the specific frequency which offsets the electromagnetic disturbance created by the man made frequency. After completion of all radiofrequency balancing sessions ranging from 1-5 sessions the symptoms will disappear only to reappear if we are exposed to a new radiofrequency. For severe cases, we have large red and near-infrared light therapy panels emitting the 5 most beneficial frequencies to repair the chronic cellular damage after the balancing treatments have been performed.

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