Posts By:Aiello Family Chiropractic

What is IT Band Syndrome IT band syndrome refers to a disorder relating to a tendon called the IT Band. The IT band is a very long and runs from the side of the pelvis down the outside of the leg to the knee. Multiple hip muscles attach to the IT band as stabilizers of…

Bulging Disc vs Herniated Disc on MRI To many people even some doctors, the difference in term bulging disc vs herniated disc is minimal but it is 2 different terms which can be misunderstood in the diagnosis process. Many people are very upset when they are in bad pain and get an MRI and results…

What causes Low Back Pain? Low back pain has many anatomic structure it can originating from.  Each issue has its own corresponding symptoms with much overlap in between them.  The most common issue relates to pelvic misalignments at the sacroiliac joint.  This pain can be on both sides of the low back just above the…

First 5 pounds melted off in a week When someone goes on a diet they are amazed at how fast the first 5 pounds are dropped.  The bad news is much of this weight loss was not lost fat at first.  To lose fat during a diet that means you have to consume 3500 less…

Difference between Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease This article will describe the difference between Gluten Intolerance and Celiac Disease.  Much confusion and disinformation is on the internet and social media relating to these 2 topics.  I am going to outline each separate to give a clear picture. Celiac Disease Celiac disease is by far the…

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome? Complex regional pain syndrome formally know as reflex sympathetic dystrophy is a poorly understood often under diagnosed condition.  Some patients are told they have neuralgia after an injury.  I have seen cases after surgery a limb getting rigid and immobile.  My first case I encountered the patient has leg pain, atrophy,…

What is a Separated Shoulder? A seperated shoulder is an injury to the acromioclavicular joint on the top of the shoulder. The shoulder joint is formed at the junction of three bones: the collarbone (clavicle), the shoulder blade (scapula), and the arm bone (humerus). The scapula and clavicle form the socket of the joint, and…

Helping People Feel Better Naturally
Location 7127 Crossroads Blvd. Suite 102 Brentwood, TN 37027