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Yoga For Neck Pain

There are a lot of people who have to sit all day due to the nature of their job. This can lead to poor posture and neck pain. Many seek yoga exercises for neck pain. When people have to sit down the whole day in an office working on a computer they tend to develop poor posture while leaning over a keyboard or reaching for the mouse.  The positions tends to create a forward head posture call anterior head carriage and rounded shoulders.  Yoga exercises for neck pain is a great way to correct these problems. Yoga will allow you to release tension in the overworked muscles and calm the mind.  During yoga breathing is incorporated into poses to get you to relax into the stretch but is also a way to elongate muscles as your lungs expand with air. There are several exercises that can be done to handle this problem, this article we will give you 3 ideas that can be done right at your desk. I highly encourage taking a yoga class which teaches many more involved poses such as Cat Pose, Cow Pose, Plow Pose, and Upward Dog.

3 Easy Yoga Poses at Work

  1. Neck Rolls:  While sitting at desk slowly inhale as you look as far as you can to the right.  When you turn as far as you can fill your lungs completely with air and hold for 3 count.  Exhale and slowly return your head back to straight. Repeat the other direction.  Do this cycle at least 5 times each side.
  2. Look Up and Down.: While sitting at desk slowly inhale as you drop your chin to your chest as far as you can go completely fill your lungs with air and hold for a 3 count.  Exhale and return head to straight.  Next slowly look as far up as you can while inhaling hold for 3 seconds when lungs are full then exhale as you return to straight. Do this cycle at least 5 times each direction.
  3. Side Bends: While sitting at desk slowly inhale as you drop your to your right shoulder fill your lungs completely when fully stretched and hold for a 3 count. Exhale and slowly return your head back to straight. Repeat the other direction.  Do this cycle at least 5 times each side.

When you are all done take a moment and notice how you feel.  This is how your neck should feel at work normally.

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